I worked at Improbable for over 3 years, and under that timespan I've had a number of different roles. Being a generalist, I was able to mould into any role which has been in need.

I started my career at Improbable as a front end engineer, working in the “Learn” team, which owned and managed their front of house website and documentation site. Here I was mostly focused on creating maintaining fast websites and developing new features to meet marketing and tech writers needs.

I then transitioned into a role where I was split between Brand Design, Marketing and Improbable's infrastructure team. I was lead engineer for our front of house website. Working closely with Brand Design and Marketing, I helped Improbable develop its brand alongside their designers. Using my experience as a creative technologist, I was able to offer brand design an insight into how creative technology could benefit them.

In this time, I also supported marketing by developing new features to the website that would help them realise their vision.

I spent over 2 years on the product-side, joining the Web UIs team, where I contribute to the web interfaces for Improbable's products. Our team maintain an internal component library, which engineers use to develop new products.

We also upskill engineers in front end technology and user testing so they're able to build their own user friendly interfaces. This is done through secondments, code reviews and consulting.

On top of that, our team own the Console, an interface where customers can visualise their deployments and allow them to debug issues through our software. Visualising SpatialOS’s complex concepts produces a unique set of challenges from a UX perspective.

I had impact on many Improbable products, including the Console, Inspector, Launcher, Logger and many more.